How to play Guitar? The Definitive Beginner’s Guide


Playing guitar is a versatile and captivating musical instrument that has the power to captivate hearts and evoke emotions. If you’ve ever dreamed of strumming chords, playing melodies, and expressing yourself through music, this beginner’s guide is here to help you embark on your guitar-playing journey. Whether you’re starting from scratch or have dabbled in guitar before, this comprehensive guide will provide you with the essential steps, tips, and resources to get you playing and enjoying.

Find the right instruments

Before diving into this world, it’s important to choose the right instrument for you. There are two primary types of guitars: acoustic and electric. Each type has its own unique characteristics and is suited for different music styles and playing preferences.

Acoustic guitars produce sound acoustically, meaning the sound resonates from the hollow body of the instrument. They are versatile and can be used for various genres, including folk, country, rock, and pop. Acoustics come in different sizes, such as dreadnought, concert, and parlour, each with its own tonal qualities. Consider your playing style and the sound you want to achieve when choosing the size and shape of your acoustic guitar.

Electric guitars, on the other hand, require an amplifier to produce sound. They have a solid body and are known for their versatility and ability to create a wide range of tones and effects. Electric guitars are commonly used in genres like rock, blues, jazz, and metal. They come in various shapes, such as the iconic Stratocaster and Les Paul, each with its own unique tonal characteristics and playability.

When selecting your first guitar, consider factors such as your preferred music style, budget, and personal preference. Try out different models and brands to find the one that feels comfortable in your hands and inspires you to pick it up and play. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice from experienced guitarists or visit a local guitar shop where knowledgeable staff can guide you in making the right choice.

Furthermore, consider the quality of the instrument. While it’s tempting to opt for the cheapest option, investing in a decent quality guitar will make a significant difference in your playing experience. Look for guitars made with solid woods, such as spruce, cedar, or mahogany, as they tend to produce better sound and improve with age.

Additionally, take note of the playability of the guitar. Ensure that the neck is comfortable to hold and that the action (the height of the strings from the fretboard) is suitable for your playing style. A guitar that is easy to play will motivate you to practice and progress faster.

Remember, choosing the right one it’s a personal decision that should be based on your individual preferences and goals as a guitarist. Take your time, do your research, and explore different options before making your final decision.

Here a post a couple of guitar that are enough cheap for a beginner but will serve you well for years!

Essential guitar accessories

In addition to the guitar itself, there are a few essential accessories that will enhance your playing experience. These include a guitar tuner to ensure your instrument is in tune, a guitar strap for playing while standing, picks for picking the strings, a guitar case or gig bag for protection during transport, and extra strings for replacements. Additionally, investing in a comfortable guitar stool or chair, a music stand, and a metronome can greatly assist your practice sessions. These accessories will make your playing more convenient and comfortable, ensuring that you have everything you need to focus on your guitar skills.

The Basics to playing guitar

Mastering the basics is crucial when starting your guitar-playing journey. It forms the foundation upon which you’ll build your skills and musicality. Here are the key aspects to focus on:

a) Understanding the Guitar: Begin by familiarizing yourself with the different parts of the guitar. The body is the main hollow or solid structure, while the neck connects to the body and houses the frets and fretboard. The strings run from the bridge on the body, over the soundhole (in the case of an acoustic guitar), and up to the tuning pegs on the headstock.

b) Proper Technique and Hand Positioning: Learning correct technique and hand positioning early on will help you avoid bad habits and play more efficiently. Ensure that you hold the guitar comfortably against your body, supporting it with your forearm. Keep your back straight and relaxed, and position the neck at a slight upward angle. Place your left hand on the neck, lightly touching the strings to produce clear notes. Your right hand should rest on the bridge or soundhole area for strumming or picking.

c) Fretting and Finger Placement: The fretboard is divided into frets, which are the metal strips running perpendicular to the neck. Start by placing your fingers behind the frets, rather than on top, to produce clean and clear notes. Use the tips of your fingers to press down on the strings, ensuring firm contact without applying excessive pressure. Practice placing your fingers on the fretboard and moving them between different positions smoothly.

d) Strumming and Picking Techniques: Strumming involves brushing or striking the strings with a pick or your fingers to create rhythmic patterns. Begin by learning basic strumming patterns, starting with downstrokes and gradually incorporating upstrokes. Focus on maintaining a steady rhythm and fluid motion. Picking involves plucking individual strings to play melodies or arpeggios. Practice alternate picking, where you alternate between downstrokes and upstrokes for each note, to develop precision and speed.

e) Chords and Chord Progressions: Chords are the building blocks of music. Start by learning a few basic open chords, such as C, D, G, E, and A major. Practice transitioning between these chords smoothly, ensuring each note rings out clearly. Gradually add more chords to your repertoire, exploring both major and minor variations. Once you’re comfortable with individual chords, focus on chord progressions – sequences of chords played in a specific order. This will help you develop a sense of musicality and rhythm.

f) Reading Guitar Tablature (Tabs) and Chord Charts: Guitar tablature (tabs) is a popular notation system that represents which strings and frets to play. Learn to read tabs to easily learn songs, riffs, and melodies. Chord charts provide a visual representation of chords, with finger placements indicated on a grid. Practice reading chord charts to expand your chord vocabulary and play a wide range of songs.

Remember, learning the basics requires patience and consistent practice. Break down complex techniques into smaller parts and focus on mastering each component before moving on. Combine regular practice sessions with structured lessons or online tutorials to ensure steady progress. Celebrate your achievements along the way, and always keep the joy of playing the guitar at the forefront of your learning journey.

Essential Music Theory

While not mandatory, a basic understanding of music theory can greatly benefit your guitar playing. Learn the fundamentals of rhythm, melody, and harmony. Explore concepts like scales, keys, and chord progressions. Understand the relationship between notes and intervals on the fretboard. Learning music theory will help you understand how chords and melodies are constructed, enabling you to play and create music with more depth and creativity.

Practice routine

Consistent practice is key to becoming a proficient guitarist. Establishing a structured practice routine will help you progress faster. Dedicate regular time to practice, starting with shorter sessions and gradually increasing the duration as you build stamina. Focus on specific skills and techniques, such as chord changes, scales, strumming patterns, and fingerpicking. Break down challenging parts of songs or exercises into smaller sections and practice them slowly, gradually increasing speed and accuracy. Record yourself playing to track your progress and identify areas for improvement. Remember, patience and persistence are essential qualities when learning.

Learning resources and tools

There are various resources available to help you learn the guitar. Online platforms offer a wealth of tutorials, lessons, and interactive tools. Websites, YouTube channels, and mobile apps cater to all skill levels and music genres. Consider enrolling in online courses or finding a qualified guitar instructor for personalized guidance. Supplement your learning with guitar books and sheet music to expand your repertoire. Joining guitar forums or communities can provide support, motivation, and opportunities for collaboration with other guitarists.


Learning to play this instrument it’s a rewarding and lifelong journey. By choosing the right guitar, mastering the basics, understanding music theory, and practicing consistently, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled guitarist. Embrace the process, explore different genres, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. With dedication and passion, the guitar will become an extension of yourself, allowing you to express your emotions and creativity through beautiful music. So, grab your guitar, tune those strings, and let the melodies begin! Happy playing!

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