How to Painting? The Definitive Beginner’s Guide


Painting is a beautiful and expressive art form that allows you to unleash your creativity and communicate visually. Whether you’ve always admired paintings or you’re looking for a new hobby, this beginner’s guide will provide you with essential tips and techniques to start your painting journey. From selecting the right materials to understanding basic painting techniques, this guide will help you develop the skills and confidence to create your own masterpieces.

Gathering the right materials!

Before you begin painting, it’s important to gather the right materials. Here are the essentials:

  • Paints: Acrylic, watercolor, or oil paints are commonly used by beginners. Acrylic paints are versatile and easy to work with, while watercolors offer a transparent and fluid effect. Oil paints have a slower drying time but offer rich colors and textures.
  • Brushes: Invest in a variety of brushes, including round, flat, and filbert brushes, to experiment with different strokes and textures.
  • Surfaces: Choose a suitable surface such as canvas, canvas boards, or watercolor paper.
  • Palette: A palette will help you mix and blend your colors. You can use a traditional palette or a disposable palette pad.
  • Palette knife: This tool is useful for mixing paints and creating texture.
  • Easel: While not mandatory, an easel can provide better control and comfort while painting.

Here i will put some direct link to Amazon of the best kit that i found. Start cheap and ones you decide the style that you want, buy better quality. No rush, this is a long run!

Understanding Colour Theory

Colour theory is the foundation of painting. Familiarise yourself with the colour wheel, which consists of primary (red, blue, yellow), secondary (orange, green, purple), and tertiary colours (a mix of primary and secondary). Understanding colour relationships and how to mix them will enhance your painting skills. Experiment with complementary colours (opposite on the colour wheel) for dynamic contrasts or analogous colours (adjacent on the colour wheel) for harmonious blends.

Basic painting Techniques

There are various techniques of painting, here i make a small list of the basics one. You can search one by one on google image to see the style, if you like it on Youtube you will find plenty of videos tutorial to start practice!

  • Wet-on-wet: Apply wet paint onto a wet surface, allowing colours to blend and create soft transitions.
  • Dry brush: Load a dry brush with a small amount of paint to create texture and detail.
  • Glazing: Apply thin layers of translucent paint over dry layers to create depth and luminosity.
  • Wash: Dilute paint with water and apply it over a large area for a smooth and even background.
  • Scumbling: Apply a thin layer of lighter paint over a darker layer, allowing the lower layer to show through, creating texture and depth.
  • Impasto: Apply thick layers of paint with a palette knife for a textured, three-dimensional effect.

Developing your Style and Experimenting

As a beginner, it’s essential to experiment with different styles, techniques, and subjects. Explore different genres like landscape, still life, or abstract art. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; they are part of the learning process. Embrace your unique style by observing other artists, studying their techniques, and incorporating them into your own work. Practice regularly, and you will gradually develop your artistic voice.

Seeking Inspiration and Learning from Others

Look for inspiration everywhere – in nature, books, museums, or online platforms. Follow renowned artists on social media, join local art communities, or take art classes to learn from experienced professionals. Engaging with other artists and receiving constructive feedback will accelerate your growth as a painter.


Embarking on your painting journey as a beginner can be both exciting and challenging. Remember, the key is to have fun and enjoy the process. Start by gathering the necessary materials, understand colour theory, and practice basic painting techniques. Explore different styles, experiment, and seek inspiration from other artists. With dedication and patience, your skills will develop, and your confidence will grow. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them, as they are stepping stones towards improvement. Painting is a personal and expressive journey, and each stroke of the brush brings you closer to discovering your own unique artistic voice. So, grab your brushes, unleash your creativity, and let the colours flow onto the canvas. Happy painting!

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